Is mentoring expensive? You’re damn straight it is – and we get it, we’ve been there, and we’ve paid for it, and we continue to pay for it, and it hurts.
…On the other hand it IS incredibly useful. We wouldn’t have achieved the things we have in property without learning from others, and everyone we speak to who has been successful in property says the same.
So we thought what could we do to help people who haven’t got the money, or the time to come to face-to-face mentoring regularly, but would still benefit from having intense learning sessions that fit around their busy schedules? How could we make sure that these people have access to all the documents, tools and systems that we’ve built up over the years to help them turbo charge their property journey, and avoid making the mistakes that we’ve made? And best of all, how could we also connect these people together so that they can support and motivate each other as they move through the programme?
That’s why we developed the Property365! Programme. It’s a complete one year programme designed to kick start your day, every day, for a whole year! At the heart of the programme are daily video tutorials that deep dive into one of the key areas of property investing. The tutorials are designed to constantly challenge you and your thinking, to help you to get specific about your goals and then set clear and simple actions that will constantly move you towards your goals in the shortest possible time – whatever they may be!
Better yet, each tutorial is less than 10 minutes long, so you can join us for your daily injection of support, specialist knowledge, and mindset conditioning, before you’re even had your Corn Flakes. You don’t get fit by going to the gym once, and you don’t learn the piano by setting aside an afternoon. You need to keep up a consistent, steady level of effort over a prolonged period, and that’s what the Property365! Programme is all about. As soon as you join the programme you’ll get full access to our online portal, and then each business day a new video will drop for you to watch and absorb. This mantra of little and often is powerful in making sure that you’re focussing on the most important tasks and not the unimportant jobs that so often get in the way.
Along the journey we enlist the help of some of our friends and colleagues who are at the top of their particular fields in property in order to add value to the programme on subjects as varied as:
- Digging deep to discover the core values which drive you and your investing journey
- Using those values to uncover the three goals that will drive you towards what you really want, and how to break these goals down to the level of daily actions that will fuel your success
- Deciding on a strategy that fits with your lifestyle and the time you have available.
- Researching which areas and strategies will be most profitable for YOU invest in.
- Learning how to secure investment capital, and why it’s not as difficult as you might think.
- Learning about the many different types property investing which will be useful whichever strategy you choose to pursue, including:
- Single Lets
- Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO’s)
- Lease Options
- Rent-to-Rent
- Serviced Accommodation (SA)
- Buy-to-Sell (Flipping)
- Multiple Unit Developments
- Commercial Conversion Projects
- Property Developments (Building into the sky)
- Learning how to work with professionals to build a power team to help you achieve your goals
- Learning about how to structure property ownership (eg in your own name or through a limited company)
- Learning how to be successful even you don’t have a pot of money to start with, by making money from property which your control but don’t necessarily own
We also look at the specifics of how to improve your fundamentals in property, from how to carry out research on different potential ‘goldmine’ areas, right through to how to negotiate the best deals, whether you’re speaking to agents or directly to the vendor.
The second element of the programme is the ‘Documents, Tools, and Systems’ package. In order to be successful in property investing you need to be consistent. In order to be consistent you need to be organised, and to use systems, or better yet, get other people to use them for you!
Over the years we’ve built up a library of important tools that we’ve then perfected, and used over and over again to achieve consistent results. In order to make sure you have everything you need, we’ve included all of them through our ‘Documents, Tools, and Systems’ package, which is included as part of the Property365! Programme.
This includes all the documents, tools and systems that we’ve used to buy over 50 properties. Even better, rather than give you something that sits gathering dust on a shelf because you don’t know how to use it, we’ll show you how to use each one step-by-step through the tutorials, so that you can start improving your investing techniques straightaway.
The ‘Documents, Tools, and Systems’ package includes:
Our various Deal Analyser Tools – You’ll quickly determine which deals are hot and which are not. Too many people spend days deciding whether a particular property is a goer. You will set clear investing criteria and through using this tool will be able to decide in MINUTES whether to proceed with further research, or move on to the next property, maximising the time you spend actually making money.
Our tools for carrying out area analysis so you can compare areas that you are interested in and quickly decide which will best suit your needs.
Our checklists to use when viewing or enquiring about properties, to make sure you don’t miss anything important, and to save you time on viewings.
Our lists of questions which you can use when speaking to vendors to make sure that the conversation keeps flowing and you get all the information you need. Tom sealed a deal using these lists which has made him over £50,000 which would have otherwise slipped through his fingers!
Our step-by-step process for systemising your business to gradually remove you from the day to day running of the business so that you can work ON your business rather than IN it. This will free you up to focus on improving profits, starting up new income streams, or just enjoying more free time.
Our resource sheets which signpost you to all the latest apps, widgets, gadgets, and software to save you bags of time and money as you get started and scale in property.
Our systems for dealing with all the various professionals, including how to deal with solicitors (both yours and the vendors) to make sure things go smoothly and you unblock any potential bottlenecks before they start causing delays.
A guide to our 10 favourite online resources which, when used correctly, put powerful new tools in your property investor toolbox to make sure that you can find great property deals that others miss.
The third element of the programme is the Members Only Networking Group. One of the most important and often overlooked elements of property investing is having a positive mindset and peer support, and that’s where having a mastermind group of fellow investors in your corner can really come in handy!.
On joining the programme you will be granted access to our Members Only Networking Group on facebook, where you can check in with others, share knowledge and tips, and ask any property questions that you may have. You can also hold others accountable, and get them to do the same for you! Along with our team, we release new exclusive content here all the time, as well as jumping in to answer questions and offer support.
With all the elements of the package working together to provide you with the tools you need to overcome roadblocks and find the shortest route to your success in property, It’s the most comprehensive online property programme you can buy, so we thought… What can we do to make it better?
So to make sure that people who act quickly get even more from the programme, we’ve decided to offer the first 20 people who sign up each quarter a FREE 1 hour Personal Mentoring Call with either Chris or Tom.
During that call you can get help with whatever brick walls you currently face in property, and you will be guided on the best way to move past these problems quickly, and on how to get the most out of the programme.
You can also choose to split the session and have 2 x 30 minute calls if you prefer, at times to suit you. To see if there are any Personal Mentoring Calls still available, click HERE, you’ll be taken to the check out screen, and if there are any available then it will appear in your cart.
So what’s the cash value of this Property365! package?:
If Property365! was face-to-face then it would cost at least £9,000/year, as you can see from our mentoring packages on the ‘Mentoring’ page (This is the cheapest price we offer for our Private Masterclass, the equivalent of Property365! in person).
The ‘Documents, Tools, and Systems’ package isn’t currently available to buy as a standalone, and is exclusively available to those signing up to the Property365! Programme. A conseravative valuation on this package would be £1,995, as it brings together all the documents we have put together over our combined 20 years investing in property.
The Members Only Networking Group is members only, and no-one can pay to enter, but the value on offer there is PRICELESS!
The 1 hour Personal Mentoring Call (if available) would normally cost £1,500.
The Total Value of the Property365! Bundle is therefore – £12,495!
So how much are we asking for? Well, we want this programme to be affordable in order to give as many people as possible the best foundations in property investing. The kind of foundation that we wish we’d had when we’d started, rather than having to make all our own mistakes, and learning the hard way!
So we’re not asking for £12,495. We’re not even asking for £1,249, we’re asking for…£2/day.. £2. £2!
Two pounds a day to get the fast track to everything we’ve learned over a combined 20 years in property? That’s a no brainer isn’t it?
If you’ve heard enough about the Property365! Programme and want to join us for just £2/day then please
If you’d like to see a recap of the benefits of joining us then read on!
So what do I get if I join the Property365! Programme with Chris Jenkins and Tom Dylan – Directors of the Great Northern Property Company, today?
- Membership of one of the most unique and popular online property training programmes on the planet.
- Unlimited access to your online learning portal, where your new tutorial video will drop automatically each day.
- Previous tutorial videos remain on the portal so you can go back and watch previous tutorials at your convenience.
- A video tutorial every single business day for a whole year!
- Each tutorial video is less than 10 minutes – guaranteed!
- Each tutorial is packed with practical information and interactive activities so that you can stop procrastinating and focus on the tasks that will bring you results – FAST.
- The programme also includes the Documents, Tools, and Systems’ package so you will have everything you need to systematize your property journey. Do what most investors fail to do and achieve predictable, measurable results with minimum effort.
- All Documents, Tools, and Systems in the package are explained step-by-step as we go through the programme, so you can see exactly how to use each one.
- On joining the programme you will be granted access to our Members Only Networking Group on facebook, where you can check in with others, share knowledge and tips, and ask any property questions that you may have.
- On the Members Only Networking Group, we release new and exclusive content all the time, as well as jumping in to answer questions and offer support to members..
- Finally, the first 20 people who sign up each quarter will get a FREE 1 hour Personal Mentoring Call with your choice of either Chris Jenkins or Tom Dylan.
- During your Personal Mentoring Call you can get help with whatever hurdles (or brick walls!) you currently face in property, and you will be guided on the best way to move past these problems quickly, and on how to get the most out of the programme.
Total Value – £12,495
Frequently Asked Questions About Property365!
I don’t have much money, can I still do this course?
We priced this course at £2 per day to make it accessible to as many people as possible. For one third of what the average Briton spends in coffee shops each year, you can kick start or turbo charge your property journey. If you’re concerned about the cost of this course, we respect that, but we’d also make sure you fully consider the cost of not doing it.
I don't know if I have time to commit to this?
Each tutorial lasts for no more than 10 minutes, there is homework given in about half of the sessions and while this is very useful it is optional and you can do it at any time to suit you.
If you don’t have 10 minutes a day to put towards your success then we’d gently suggest that you should have a really clear-headed look at what you’re doing with your time!
Is this programme only for people who are just starting out in property?
No, it’s suitable for anyone from a complete beginner through to those with about 4 -6 properties or property deals. Having said that, it will also be a useful refresher course for almost anyone who wants to revisit and drill the fundamentals of property investment.
I know nothing about property, can Property365! help?
You don’t need any prior knowledge to smash this course, just a willingness to learn and the motivation to succeed (we will even help you with that).
We are careful to explain any technical or ‘jargon’ words that come up, and we know what it’s like to be just starting out because we’ve been there, and so we will help you to navigate what can be scary or troubling seas, especially at first.
I want to meet other investors, can Property365! help?
Yes it can, you have the opportunity to join our Members Only Networking Group where you can meet others doing the course and ask as many questions as you like.
Can I share my membership of the programme with a business or life partner?
Yes. Please feel free to share your membership of the Property365! course with a friend or business partner. Membership to the Members Only Networking Group is limited to two people per membership.
Is this programme only relevant for people investing in the North?
No. We are based in Manchester in the UK, and although we have experience of investing all over the UK (not including Scotland, which has a very different set of property laws), the majority of our portfolio is within Greater Manchester, and we are only specialists within that market.
However, a lot of the property fundamentals and skills we teach, and the methods we use to turn those skills into practical action plans that will lead you towards your goals, are the same nationwide. The only thing that really changes is the numbers, from property prices, to the refurbishment costs, to the rental amount you can expect to receive. You can easily adjust those to your local market and the learnings will then be just as relevant wherever you happen to invest.
Is this programme only relevant for people investing in the UK?
We think so, yes.
The legal structures, laws, planning regulations and so forth are different in every country. We think that the differences this creates between markets is such that you should try to find a course or mentor that operates in the country you are looking to invest in.
Do you offer anything more tailored to me and my situation?
Yes we do. As well as the Property365! course we also offer various group and individual mentoring packages.
Get In Touch
Suite 49, 792 Wilmslow Road, Didsbury, Manchester, M20 6UG
07703 345 632